Lakeport Flood Victims Find Homes at Konocti
No one would argue that its been a tough few years for Lake County. Prolonged drought left many farm laborers and others out of work. Then came unprecedented fires, including the devastating Valley Fire. The blazes made hundreds more homeless and unemployed. And to top it off, recent pounding rain caused flooding in Lakeport. More than 40 people of very low income were forced from their homes at the Willow Point Resort. Through it all, nonprofits such as CHD have stepped in to help…providing food, clothing, housing and temporary jobs. This week, in fact, many of those flood victims will move out of the shelter and into their own apartments at the closed Konocti Harbor Resort. With state and local funding, CHD has arranged temporary housing for Lakeport’s most in need at the once stunning concert venue on the shores of Clear Lake…