Congressman Garamendi visits our ASET Center

Congressman John Garamendi along with his staff and other elected officials joined our CHD staff members at the Woodland Anthony Soto Employment Training (ASET) Center this past August. Our CHD Board Members, the Yolo County Office of Education,  the Yolo County Workforce Development Board, and CHD Staff, joined the visit to discuss the partnership between these entities that brought training opportunities to Yolo County. The business infrastructure was discussed and how CHD’s vocational training courses will assist with this venture. 

Having the Congressman interact with the welding and truck driving students enabled him to see first-hand how Workforce Development funds support putting the community back to work, provides employers with skilled workers, and shows a return on investment. It also allows for the community, such as the students, to express their needs and show enthusiasm for the training they are currently participating in. 

The Congressman noted that back when Workforce Development first came into play, the goal of the legislation was to bring partnerships within the business community, provide more opportunities for women and minority groups in the future growth and strategic plans of the organization, and promote greater awareness of the importance of sound human resources.

The CHD team and the Workforce Development & Farmworker Services Division was honored to have hosted Congressman Garamendi.