“Creating Opportunities to End Poverty”

California Human Development (CHD) is seeking an executive leader to fight poverty in Northern California. A non-profit social service agency with a 50 year history, CHD is based in Santa Rosa in the heart of Sonoma Wine Country and has locations throughout Northern California serving 30 counties. The agency has a $15 million budget and 200 dedicated staff who provide services through four business lines:

  • Workforce Development and Farmworker Services
  • Affordable Housing development and management
  • Immigration and Citizenship Services
  • Community Services including Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)


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Four year grant to provide job training for Northern California farmworkers

Excellent news coming out of Washington D.C. today in support of one of California’s most impoverished populations: the men and women who plant and harvest our state’s bounty.

“California Human Development is excited and honored to announce the U.S. Department of Labor has awarded a four year WIOA Section 167 Grant to our agency,” says Christopher Paige, Chief Executive Officer. “The grant will allow us to continue serving low income, migrant and seasonal farmworkers with training services that allow them to access career ladders and attain family self-sufficiency. We also salute and thank our many state and local partners that work with us in this effort,” adds Paige.

The Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 167 fuels job training and employment services for work-authorized farmworkers and eligible family members. CHD uses WIOA 167 funding to provide services across 31 Northern California counties. The agency’s Farmworker Services & Workforce Development programs, including four Anthony Soto Training Centers, have helped nearly half-a-million farmworkers to obtain stable employment and greater self-sufficiency since 1967.

The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a total of $81 million in grants today through the National Farmworker Jobs Program. Click here to read the DOL’s press release.

Bonnie Bishop, a single mom, wakes early to get to the job site near Middletown. She works in the blazing sun to cut up and remove burned trees destroyed by the Valley Fire. It’s hard, hot, dirty work but she’s grateful for it beyond measure…because finally things are looking up.

“This job means I can get back on my feet, get my kid back in school, begin to rebuild our lives. We’ve been a year without a home,” she says.

Bonnie’s story is like so many with homes and jobs lost as fire raged through region last summer. The unemployment rate, already high in Lake County, skyrocketed. And with hundreds of structures burned, rents followed suit. Living in cars, living in tents, couch surfing all became common, especially for those already living on the edge of poverty.

“Almost every day I hear from one of our clients that these jobs are coming ‘just in the nick’ of time,” says Debra Walker, case manager with California Human Development.  “Not only are folks finally earning a paycheck, which they desperately need, but they’re learning new skills to make them more employable in the future,” she adds.

With grant funding from the Department of Labor’s National Dislocated Worker Program, California Human Development is placing 350 of Lake County’s fire victims in temporary jobs. Individuals looking for work, as well as agencies and organizations with jobs available, are encouraged to contact the CHD field office in Lakeport at 707.262.0440 or send an email to Eugenio.Ortega@CAHumanDevelopment.org