My name is Maggie Hart and I have been a resident at Parkway Plaza since November 2018. Prior to living here, I lived in another low-income senior property in Fairfield. Parkway Plaza, by far, provides a most pleasant and enjoyable senior living experience. Social Services provided onsite instrumental support to residents. Food delivery 3 times a month helps! We all get dry and canned goods. Sometimes frozen meat or fish and eggs is provided. Often there is bulk fresh fruit and vegetables. This really helps to stretch our food dollars.
Due to the Covid-19, isolation has been a very real problem for some. If it were not for the efforts of Jenalee Dawson it would be much worse. She researched online programs available for seniors and has contracted with the providers of such programs. Thru non-profit agencies, seniors here who wished to participate have been given a tablet along with the necessary instructions, so they are able to join in. Every week Jenalee hosts a chair-bingo-exercise program thru Zoom. Great fun and we get to see the residents who participate.
I am certainly looking forward to the time when we will be able to congregate and socialize as we used to. Until that time the online social programs we have available to us will fill the void.
-Maggie, CHD Parkway Plaza Resident